The purpose of the Parents’ Association is to work in partnership with the Principal, Staff, Board of Management, Pupils and the whole school community, to build an effective relationship between home and school in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1998. This in turn will serve to
enhance the educational experience of our children.
Please click on the link below to download the Parents' Association Constitution:
Parents' Association Constitution
enhance the educational experience of our children.
Please click on the link below to download the Parents' Association Constitution:
Parents' Association Constitution
It is recognised that parents have a crucial and valuable role to play in the education of their children and are their primary educators. Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children benefit when parents and teachers work together.
At the beginning of every school year there is an AGM of the Parents’ Association to select parents to form a committee. All Parents of children enrolled in the school are encouraged to attend the AGM and become involved in the committee is they wish.
The Parents’ Association committee meet monthly during the school year in order to plan events for the year, some of which may include parents’ information evenings, fund raising events and support for school events. All Parents of children enrolled in the school are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.
It is recognised that parents have a crucial and valuable role to play in the education of their children and are their primary educators. Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children benefit when parents and teachers work together.
At the beginning of every school year there is an AGM of the Parents’ Association to select parents to form a committee. All Parents of children enrolled in the school are encouraged to attend the AGM and become involved in the committee is they wish.
The Parents’ Association committee meet monthly during the school year in order to plan events for the year, some of which may include parents’ information evenings, fund raising events and support for school events. All Parents of children enrolled in the school are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.
Chairperson: Mags Buggy
Secretary: Darina Larrissey
Treasurer: Michelle Mullally
Chairperson: Mags Buggy
Secretary: Darina Larrissey
Treasurer: Michelle Mullally